Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bunions, Anyone?

Wow. AdSense is doing an awesome job of sticking in appropriate ads to this blog! Hair loss treatments, beat your nail-biting habit, Restelyne for wrinkles. Right on!

So, hm, what is bothering me today. Well I started the day covering my gray roots, and since noticing the "old lady hair" on the back of my head that takes two mirrors to see, I decided to start there and get that area's gray covered up!

Now onto bunions. Aren't they ugly? Ugly misshapen feet with the bunion highlighted by the redness and irritation. Great. About 9 years ago, I had my leftside bunion operated on because that side was the worst. It has stayed pretty straight and I am happy with it, but now the right side is worse than the left ever was, and I don't have enough confidence in my current health insurance to chance another operation. Now, tho', they have less invasive ways to cure bunions, and you are back into normal shoes much quicker. SIGH!!! What to do, what to do....

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