Saturday, August 8, 2009

Singing my own praises

OK, time to sing some praises. Kudos to this old carcass for being not-overweight anymore. Feels like a big achievement today, especially at my age (and sex). Since the beginning of 2009 I've been writing down what I eat, counting calories, and staying near 1300-1500 per day, a bit more on weekends, and so far I've lost about 17 pounds of ugly fat. On my 5'5" frame, that's a lot!

So yay, me.

It doesn't feel like a diet anymore, just the way I eat, and I have no intention of going back to my old over-eating ways. I've substituted low calories snacks for high-cal, added more salads and soups to my meals, broken a few bad habits, said goodbye to the bags of dried fruit and nut mix in my work's snack machine. It works. I feel SO much better.

You tend to gain and lose fat in different places in middle age. Like, I still have some unattractive fat on my lower and upper back. What's up with that?! I hate it! But I did lose most of the fat that accumulated on my middle front and that's a huge plus in terms of comfort and looking OK in my clothes. I have narrowish hips so an increase in my bust and middle area gives me a top-heavy masculine look that was making me very sad. I have twice had to buy several pairs of new pants!

Sadly, I have almost no ass anymore. It's like a pancake back there. Don't get me started.

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